bourgeois class - translation to ρωσικά
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  • ετυμολογία

bourgeois class - translation to ρωσικά

Bourgeois; Bourgeosie; Townspeople; Borgeoisie; Bourgeoise; Townsfolk; Townfolk; Bourgeoise culture; Bourgeois society; Capitalist Class; Borgeois; Bourgoisie; Bourgeois worldview; Bourgeois personality; Bourgeois mentality; History of the bourgeoisie; Bourgeois sentiment; Grand bourgeoisie; Bourgeoisie class; Employing class; Capitalist class; Merchant class; Burzhwa; Burzhwazi; French elite; French elites; Bougoise; Beugoise; Bougeoise; Bougeoisie; Bougoisie; Bourgoise; Bourgeoisies; Burgeoisie; Haute bourgeoisie; Boujie; Bourgeois class; Upper bourgeoisie; Boorshwazee; Burgeois; Propertied minority; Propertied
  • The 16th-century German banker [[Jakob Fugger]] and his principal accountant, M. Schwarz, registering an entry to a ledger. The background shows a file cabinet indicating the European cities where the Fugger bank conducts business (1517).
  • The prototypical bourgeois, Monsieur Jourdain, the protagonist in [[Molière]]'s play ''[[Le Bourgeois gentilhomme]]'' (1670)
  • The Spanish cinéast [[Luis Buñuel]] (1900–83) depicted the tortuous mentality and self-destructive hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie
  • left
  • [[Thomas Mann]] (1875–1955) portrayed the moral, intellectual, and physical decadence of the German upper bourgeoisie in the novel ''[[Buddenbrooks]]'' (1926)
  • Clothing worn by ladies belonging to the bourgeoisie of [[Żywiec]], [[Poland]], 19th century (collection of the Żywiec City Museum)

bourgeois class         



общая лексика

(the townsfolk) жители данного города


as горожане

собирательное выражение

употр. с гл. во мн. ч.

bourgeoisie fr. noun буржуазия


class struggle
¦ noun (in Marxist ideology) the conflict of interests between the workers and the ruling class in a capitalist society.



The bourgeoisie ( (listen) BOORZH-wah-ZEE, French: [buʁʒwazi] (listen)) is a class of business owners and merchants which emerged in the Late Middle Ages, originally as a "middle class" between peasantry and aristocracy. After the overthrow of the aristocratic regimes in the 17th and 18th centuries, the bourgeoisie became the upper class under capitalism. They are traditionally contrasted with the proletariat by their wealth, political power, and education, as well as their access to and control of cultural and financial capital. They are sometimes divided into a petty (petite), middle (moyenne), large (grande), upper (haute), and ancient (ancienne) bourgeoisie and collectively designated as "the bourgeoisie".

The bourgeoisie in its original sense is intimately linked to the political ideology of Liberalism and its existence within cities, recognized as such by their urban charters (e.g., municipal charters, town privileges, German town law), so there was no bourgeoisie apart from the citizenry of the cities. Rural peasants came under a different legal system.

In Communist philosophy, the bourgeoisie is the social class that came to own the means of production during modern industrialization and whose societal concerns are the value of private property and the preservation of capital to ensure the perpetuation of their economic dominance in society.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για bourgeois class
1. This includes the rise of a bourgeois class, exposure to leisure culture, and brand–name consumerism.
Μετάφραση του &#39bourgeois class&#39 σε Ρωσικά